How to Get Your Kids to Workout

IMG_1656Workout while they are in the home with you.  I get it, our workout time is often the only 30 minutes of solitude we get. It’s not exactly a solo act when your kids are crawling in front of you or asking you to pause your workout so that you can get them a snack. But the more they see you doing it the more they will want to do it as well. They want to be just like us (scary, right?) so demonstrate the things you want them to replicate. If they see you working out they will want to do the same.

Ask your kids to join you.  Ask them to be your partner or make them feel like the expert. Kids LOVE to feel included and they LOVE to feel like they are being helpful.

Ask them to pick some songs to work out to.  So it may not be your playlist with Prince, LLCool J, Fresh Prince and Led Zepplin- you may even have to throw in a whip-n-nae… but they will be so excited to rock it out with you to their favorite songs.

Ask them to make up their own workout. It doesn’t matter if they do the perfect pushup or hold a plank. Let them be creative and make up their own workout. Ensure safety, but allow them to be as creative as they’d like. Encourage them to try new fitness moves. Best yet, let them make up the workout and then you do it with them!20141123_140444792_iOS

Make it fun! When in doubt, silly always works. Dance it out. Enjoy the time you spend together. Feel blessed to be able to move together. Let your hair down, get giggy with it, be silly and just MOVE!